Monthly Archives: March 2014

Book in the USA – at last!

Six months ago, my book Mudhoney: The Sound And The Fury From Seattle was published in the UK by Omnibus Press. Now the US edition, published by Voyageur Press, is available online and in bookstores. I’m chuffed to bits.

Mudhoney: The Sound And The Fury From Seattle

The UK cover, with contact sheet images from a 1991 NME photo shoot by Steve Double.

There’s no real difference between the US and UK versions, beyond of course the Americanised text (that’s ‘Americanized’, if you’re reading in America). But I know that people in the States have been looking forward to getting hold of the book without shelling out big bucks on import, so I’m glad it’s finally available.

If you want a taste before committing to purchase, SPIN recently ran an extract. It looked awesome, and they also had some very kind things to say.

I’ll have more news on the US publication soon.